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  • Secure your Critical Infrastructure and Supply Chain with confidence

    Trusted, certified, and proven supply chain cyber defense

SecurityScorecard: The Trusted Gold Standard

  • Federal

    FedRAMP Ready: Empowering governments to measure and resolve cyber risk

  • State and Local

    StateRAMP Authorized: Standardized letter-grades for cybersecurity reporting

  • Education

    SecurityScorecard partners with Higher and K-12 institutions to ensure uninterrupted learning

  • International Government

    Global presence and intelligence to manage cyber risk at scale

  • Critical Infrastructure Providers

    Measure and improve cyber resiliency

Tailored for your mission

  • Supply Chain Risk Management

    Illuminate risk to stop breaches

  • Threat Intelligence Gathering

    Reveal threat exposure and adversary exploitation

  • Critical Infrastructure Monitoring

    Increase resiliency through continuous visibility into the cybersecurity posture of assets, networks and entire sectors

  • Regulatory Oversight

    Manage cyber risk at scale and focus on significant compliance risks

  • National Security Monitoring

    Develop a comprehensive strategy to protect national resources and monitor dynamic risks

Industry recognition

Built on security data from battling adversaries across the globe.

  • FedRAMP

    SecurityScorecard is designated as FedRAMP Ready

  • StateRAMP

    SecurityScorecard’s StateRAMP status is approved for “Pending”

  • Department of Homeland Security

    Continuous Diagnostics and Mitigation (CDM) Program’s approved products list

  • Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency

    Recognized in the catalog of Free Cybersecurity Services and Tools

  • World Economic Forum

    SecurityScorecard is member of Forum’s Global Innovators Community

  • Joint Cyber Defense Collaborative (JCDC)

    Partnership with the JCDC provides cyber threat information in defense of public and private critical infrastructure

  • Information Sharing and Analysis Centers (ISACs)

    ISAC members have access to  complementary Enterprise Licenses from SecurityScorecard

  • Conference of State Bank Supervisors (CSBS)

    State regulators have access to SecurityScorecard’s cybersecurity ratings platform and connected services

Government Contract Vehicles


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